Kick Off the New Year with a Plan
to Start Your Dream Business

It's your ticket to an immersive day filled with learning, networking, and inspiration. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or an experienced business owner embarking on a new journey or a product launch, the SmallBizlady University 1-Day Virtual Start-up Bootcamp has something special in store for you. 

Registration is only $97, and the VIP option is $197.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

At SmallBizLady University, we're committed to assisting business owners in learning the business of running a business while accessing the resources they need to start and grow a successful small business. Our team offers comprehensive training programs that not only navigate clients through the start-up phase, selling online and leveraging social selling and email marketing, but we also provide training to companies looking to expand and scale.


Our mission is to end small business failure. We facilitate business growth by connecting businesses and entrepreneurs with resources and professionals to build business systems so that the business can run without them.

"For me, the BYOB course is a DEEEP dive into the creation/development/building of a business. I appreciate having access to business owners with real-life experience to help me navigate the hills and valleys of Becoming & Being Your Own Boss."

- Sabrina U.

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Time: 1pm - 5pm ET / 10am - 2pm PT
VIP Live Q&A: 4pm - 5pm ET / 1pm - 2pm PT

We firmly believe that starting a small business is a dynamic way to build financial freedom and a life you love. With our tailored coaching, expert advisors, and an array of services, we stand by your side to ensure your success in business.

Take the first step towards starting your entrepreneur journey

by joining us at the SmallBizLady University

1-Day Virtual Start-Up Bootcamp!

General Participants will receive:

  • SmallBizLady’s 1-Day Virtual Start-up Bootcamp.
  • Access to SmallBizLady University Private FB Group.
  • 24-Hour Replay Access.

Just $97

VIP Participants will receive:

  • SmallBizLady’s 1-Day Virtual Start-up Bootcamp.
  • Access to SmallBizLady University Private FB Group.
  • 30-Day Replay Access.
  • How to Sell and Market Online Workbook. ($97)
  • 1-Hour VIP Bonus Q&A Session ($750 Value)

Just $197